Nadace pro dějiny kultury ve střední Evropě
Association for Central European Cultural Studies




Repertorium historických hudebních tisků na území ČR,
I: Tisky vokální polyfonie, rané monodie, hudební teorie a tabulatur z let 1500-1630
(Repertory of the Rare Printed Musical Books Now in the Czech Republic, I: 1500-1630)



1 / 59 Magnificat octo tonorum Moralis hispanii et Adami Reneri...
Wittenberg, 1544
Author: Sebald Heyden
Printer: Georg Rhau
Deposit: NM-ČMH (Pmčh), Praha, bez sign. (3) - D, 1544/4
Composers: Divitis, Févin (2), Galliculus, Iachet (2), La Rue, Morales (5), Pieton, Pipelare, Reiner (8), Richafort, Tudual, Verdelot, anonym


2 / 59 Excellentiss. auctorum diverse modulationes, quae sub titulo Fructus vagantur per orbem, a Hieronymo Scoto nuper recognite & edite. Liber primus
Venezia, 1549
Author: none
Printer: Girolamo Scotto
Deposit: NM-ČMH (Pmčh), Praha, bez sign. (9) - D, 1549/4
Composers: Lupi (3), Gardane, Phinot (4), Gombert (4), Iachet (5), anonym


3 / 59 Psalmi quinquagesimi perpulchra, et breuis enodatio, eleganter musice concinnata, A Simone Iolieo, Musices studiosisimo. Cum privilegio Regis ad quinqvennium
Lyon, 1552
Author: Simon Joly
Printer: Godefroy Beringus
Deposit: NM-ČMH (Pmčh), Praha, AZ 36 (8) - T, J 567


4 / 59 Missae tres
Paris, 1557
Author: Arcadelt
Printers: Adrian Le Roy, Robert Ballard
Deposit: NM-ČMH (Pmčh), Praha, VII.A.1 (1), A 1384


5 / 59 Missa ad imitationem moduli Surge Petre, auctore Iacquet, cum sex vocibus
Paris, 1557
Author: Iachet de Mantua
Printers: Adrian Le Roy, Robert Ballard
Deposit: NM-ČMH (Pmčh), Praha, VII.A.1 (11), J 17




Toto repertorium vzniklo s podporou Grantové agentury ČR (projekt reg. č. 408/09/1857)
© Association for Central European Cultural Studies, 2009-2014
ISBN 978-80-87773-14-7

All rights reserved: no part of this repertory may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission
of the Association for Central European Cultural Studies.
2010-2024 © ACECS (Ver.03.29)