Nadace pro dějiny kultury ve střední Evropě
Association for Central European Cultural Studies




Repertorium historických hudebních tisků na území ČR,
I: Tisky vokální polyfonie, rané monodie, hudební teorie a tabulatur z let 1500-1630
(Repertory of the Rare Printed Musical Books Now in the Czech Republic, I: 1500-1630)



1 / 5 Erotemata musicae practicae ... ad usum scholae
Nürnberg, 1570
Author: none
Printer: Theodor Gerlach
Deposit: KMK (Pkap), Praha, Pc 1 (2), -


2 / 5 Liber I. Missarum Philippi de Monte ecclesiae metropolitanae cameracensis canonici, ac thesaurii, et sacratissimi Rudolphi II. Imperatoris etc. Chori Prefecti
Antwerpen, 1587
Author: Philippe de Monte
Printer: Christophorus Plantin
Deposit: KMK (Pkap), Praha, Dbd. 1, M 3320


3 / 5 Musices practicae compendiosa...
Erfurt, 1590
Author: David Taucher
Printer: Georg Bauman
Deposit: KMK (Pkap), Praha, Pc 1 (3), -


4 / 5 Compendium musicae, cum compendiolo recognito cui in usum academiae argantoratensis...
Strasbourg, 1591
Author: Heinrich Faber
Printer: Antoine Bertram
Deposit: KMK (Pkap), Praha, D b S 60, B I, s. 305 (1596)


5 / 5 Liber I Missarum Caroli Luython, Sacrae Caesa(reae) Maiest(atis) organistae et componistae... — Pragae imprimebatur apud Nicolaum Straus. Anno Domini MDCIX.
Praha, 1609
Author: Charles Luython
Printer: Nicolaus Strauss
Deposit 1: NK (Pu), Praha, 59 A 10 476, L 3119
Deposit 2: NK (Pu), Praha, 59 A 10 477 (1)
Deposit 3: MHMP (Phlm), Praha, VII/C-D/3 (1)
Deposit 4: KMK (Pkap), Praha, Dbd.2
Deposit 5: KNM (Pnm), Praha, 54 A 4 (1)
Deposit 6: Muzeum (Úm), Ústí nad Labem, MP 219/79/L
Deposit 7: Muzeum (Úm), Ústí nad Labem, St 1298 (1)
Deposit 8: SVK (OLu), Olomouc, III 2648


Toto repertorium vzniklo s podporou Grantové agentury ČR (projekt reg. č. 408/09/1857)
© Association for Central European Cultural Studies, 2009-2014
ISBN 978-80-87773-14-7

All rights reserved: no part of this repertory may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission
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