Nadace pro dějiny kultury ve střední Evropě
Association for Central European Cultural Studies




Repertorium historických hudebních tisků na území ČR,
I: Tisky vokální polyfonie, rané monodie, hudební teorie a tabulatur z let 1500-1630
(Repertory of the Rare Printed Musical Books Now in the Czech Republic, I: 1500-1630)



1 / 5 Thesaurus musicus continens selectissimas octo, septem, sex, quinque et quatuor vocum harmonias, tam ? veteribus quam recentioribus symphonistis compositas et ad omnis generis instrumenta musica accomodatas... Tomi primi continentis cantiones octo vocum..
Nürnberg, 1564
Author: none
Printers: Joannes Montanus (Berg), Ulrich Neuber
Deposit 1: MVČ (HK), Hradec Králové, II A 37 (1) - T/2, 1564/1
Deposit 2: MZM (Bm), Brno, A 20535 - C I II, A, B I II
Composers: Arcadelt, Joannes de Bacchis, Bartholomaeus Beaulaigne (2), Fr. P. Bonardo (2), Cadéac, Jacobus Clemens non Papa (2), Francesco Corteccia, Thomas Crecquillon, Johannes Crespel, Ghiselin Danckerts, Wolfgang Figulus, Gombert, Jachet (Jacquet), Josquin Després, Orlando Lasso (2), Matthaeus Le Maistre, Laurentius Lemlin, Lupi, Stephan Mahu, Ioannes Maillard, Pierre de Manchicourt, H. Matthias, Morales, A. Mornable, Mouton (3), Phinot (5), Ponte, Richafort, F. de Rivulo (2), Antonio Scandello (3), Senfl, Claude de Sermisy, Andreas Schwartz, Daniel Torquet, Vaet (4), Adrian Willaert, anonym (11)


2 / 5 Thesauri musici tomus secundus continens optimas septem vocum cantiones ex variis autoribus collectas...
Nürnberg, 1564
Author: none
Printers: Joannes Montanus (Berg), Ulrich Neuber
Deposit 1: MVČ (HK), Hradec Králové, II A 37 (2) - 6v, 1564/2
Deposit 2: MZM (Bm), Brno, A 20535 - C, A, B, 6v
Composers: Arcadelt, Jacobus Clemens non Papa, Dietrich, Benedictus Ducis, Orlando Lasso (2), Ioannes Maillard, Phinot, Georgius Prenner, Antonio Scandello, Andreas Schwartz, H. Vinders


3 / 5 Nawe und lustige Weltliche Deutsche Liedllein mit vier, funff und sechs Stimmen auff allerley Instrumenten zugebrauchen und lieblich zu singen
Dresden, 1570
Author: Antonio Scandello
Printers: Matthes Stockel, Bergen Ginzel
Deposit: NK (Pu), Praha, 59 E 6110 (3) – B, S 1151


4 / 5 El primo libro de le canzoni napolitane...
Nürnberg, 1572
Author: Antonio Scandello
Printer: Ulrich Neuber
Deposit: NM-ČMH (Pmčh), Praha, AZ 38 (15) - D, S 1146


5 / 5 Il secondo libro dele canzone
München, 1577
Author: Antonio Scandello
Printer: Adam Berg
Deposit: NM-ČMH (Pmčh), Praha, AZ 38 (16) - D, S 1156


Toto repertorium vzniklo s podporou Grantové agentury ČR (projekt reg. č. 408/09/1857)
© Association for Central European Cultural Studies, 2009-2014
ISBN 978-80-87773-14-7

All rights reserved: no part of this repertory may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission
of the Association for Central European Cultural Studies.
2010-2024 © ACECS (Ver.03.29)